There are three types of groups on the Commons: public groups, private groups, and hidden groups.
Public groups (like MLA Commons Help) will appear in the directory of groups, and anyone can join by clicking the Join Group button on the group’s page. All content in public groups is visible, even to people who aren’t logged in to the site.
Private groups will also appear in the directory of groups, but membership may be restricted in different ways. You will automatically be a member of your divisions and discussion groups and of any MLA committee that you serve on. To join another division or discussion group, add it by signing in to My MLA on the MLA Web site. To request to join other private groups, click Request Membership on the group’s page. If the request is approved, you’ll be able to view the group’s content.
Hidden groups won’t appear in the directory of groups, and their content is viewable only by their members. New members must be invited to join by existing group members.
I am trying to join the group “Cognitive approaches to literature.” I added it in my MLA page and nothing changed and I can’t see a way to “request the membership” on their page. Any ideas? Thanks
Elena, sorry not to see this for a little bit! Cognitive Approaches to Literature is an MLA Division; divisions work a little differently from other private groups in that their membership is linked to your membership in the MLA Division. To join the group, you need to go to, log in there, and join the division. You should be added to the group then.
We’re working on making this easier! For now, we have two overlapping systems, which makes things a little tricky.
How do step out of a group I have joined?
Dear Don,
To leave a group that you have joined, log in to MLA Commons, then click on Groups along the top op the page. Click on My Groups and find the group you’d like to leave. You should see a Leave Group button on the right-hand side of the page; click it, and you will no longer be a member.
Another way to do the same thing is to go directly to the group’s page. Click the Leave Group button below the group description.